by Jeremy Friesen | Jan 30, 2017 | Jeremy's Blog
There’s a couple of groups in BC trying to get lane filtering legalized for motorcycles, and they’re getting some media coverage on the idea now. So here’s a little bit of information for my non motorcycle riding friends. (still not quite sure how I...
by Jeremy Friesen | Nov 23, 2016 | Jeremy's Blog
Victoria Supermoto’s 2017 season is “only” 5 months away, so it’s on my mind a lot. I only really have one and a half seasons under my belt, so I am still working on things, and remember very clearly what it’s like to be completely new to...
by Jeremy Friesen | Jul 12, 2016 | Jeremy's Blog
So we know that countersteering starts a turn, what’s next? Countersteering initiates a turn by making the bike lean into the turn. That’s all it does, it is just the first step in physically making the bike turn. Once the bike is leaning into the turn,...
by Jeremy Friesen | Jul 8, 2016 | Jeremy's Blog
I ended part 1 on countersteering stating that it works at any speed, and that everyone already does it. Now I will explain why both of those statements are true. If you have ridden a two wheeled vehicle of any kind, you already countersteer. A lot of people...
by Jeremy Friesen | Jul 8, 2016 | Jeremy's Blog
Gyroscopic Effect Countersteering is an unfortunate term. The name itself tends to create confusion before even getting started explaining what it means. It’s what we’ve got though, so we’ll have to just power through it. So here we go….... by Jeremy Friesen | Jul 8, 2016 | Jeremy's Blog
Between riding in the woods, and supermoto, I’ve been spending a lot of time with my KTM lately. So much so that I feel like my other bikes may be getting jealous. This has left me with a lot to think about in terms of how to turn a bike in different situations....